Fusion Dance Fit accepts no liability for any injury to yourself or other persons occurring as a result of taking part in classes (Zoom, In-Person and Pre-Recorded), and private sessions.
Before booking and attending any classes you agree that you have no medical conditions that may affect your ability to train.
Fusion Dance Fit will sometimes take photographs/video footage for marketing purposes; if you have any objection to this please inform the Instructor at the time.
All fees and charges are subject to periodic increases and we reserve the right to change the costs of our services at any point. 28 days notice will be given if this occurs.
You should always exercise in a safe manor. You should exercise to your own abilities. If you are concerned or know that you may have a medical condition that may affect your training before you attend our classes you should seek medical advice prior to starting an exercise sessions.
Make sure to let someone know you are participating in a Zoom and/or a Pre-recorded session, preferably participating when others are in the household incase of an emergency, furthermore, that you have provided correct emergency contact details.