By agreeing to take part in classes, and private sessions provided by Fusion Dance Fit you agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions.
Fusion Dance Fit accepts no liability for any injury occuring as a result of taking part in classes, and private sessions.
When booking for any classes you agree that you have no medical conditions that may affect your ability to train.
A Waiver form will be filled out before completing any classes.
Your instructor is fully insured.
If you/your health changes at any time during your time with Fusion Dance Fit you must provide information of the details in writing.
Correct information will always be provided in all classes, and private sessions.
Fusion Dance Fit will sometimes take photographs/video footage for marketing purposes; if you have objection to this please inform the Instructor at the time.
All fees and charges are subject to periodic increases and we reserve the right to change the costs of our services at any point. 28 days notice will be given if this occurs.
For Fusion Dance Fit to use my data for their track and trace for COVID-19
Classes which are cancelled will give a suggestion of a refund or a transfer of payment to another class.
We ask that you book no later the 2 hours prior to an in person class and no later than 1 hour for a Zoom class. If we do not have enough people to participate in the class if will be cancelled.
Confirmation and payment:
You have 24 hours from when you made your booking to make payment. fail to do so could result in you losing your space.
We will confirm bookings within 24 hours of payment. Making sure you check your spam/junk, for your confirmation email, as well as your main in box.
Refunds and Cancellations:
Due to the new online booking system and the online payments, we are introducing a refund policy. This is because of the limited spaces in the classes and waiting lists we will have.
You can cancel and receive a refund up to 12 hours before the class is about to start, this is so it gives us time to contact people on the waiting list, who would like to join our in person classes. *
*If unforeseen circumstances occur we may allow transfer of payment within the 12 hour time frame.
Missed Classes:
We are sorry but if you Miss a class without cancellation or prior notice, this is for both in person and online classes, you will be charged.
Private Sessions:
For Private session you are required to give at least 24 hours notice for any cancellation. If you fail to do so, you will still be charged for your session. If there are specific reasons as to why you can not attend you must let Chloe Know ASAP.
You should always exercise in a safe manor. You should exercise to your own abilities. If you are concerned or know that you may have a medical condition that may affect your training before you attend our classes you should seek medical advice prior to starting an exercise sessions.
If you feel ill when attending our sessions you should let us know immediately. Our instructors are first aid qualified however, may need to call for further assistance.
You should make yourself aware of any rules or instructions within our classes. There are risks when exercising. You should not undertake any exercises that you have been told are not suitable for you.
If you have any symptoms of Covid-19 (Continuous cough, high temperature, loss of taste and smell) please do not attend classes and let Fusion Dance fit know as soon as possible. You will still need to inform us and give 12 hours notice prior to the class.
Attending classes with Covid-19 around you are taking responsibility for your safety. Agreeing to sanitise upon entry, staying in your square throughout the class and then sanitising as you exit. When you enter and exit classes please make sure you have a mask on. If you do not abide by our rules and measures we have the right to refuse you into our classes.
Please contact us if you have any further questions.